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Company Name : A Square Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Contact Person : Amit Gupta
Address, City, State, Country, Pin Code : B-61,Sector-67, Sector 67, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301, India
Mobile No. : +91-9899393951, 9999666232
Phone : +91-120-4218588
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Brand desire is the key to success. What matters is not that the advertisement should be familiar, but that the brand should be familiar. All other things being equal, a brand about which something is known is probably more likely to be chosen than a brand about which nothing or partially is known. Strong brands are built on the basis of sound business practice and a great brand experience. When solid fundamentals are accompanied by a clear, compelling brand proposition and a strong sense of momentum, a brand is likely to increase both sales and shareholder value. True cultural connection is the Holy Grail for brands if they want to create an enduring emotional relationship with people.
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